For the sake of argument, let’s grant that Jewish influence has been decisive in the promotion of multiculturalism, equalitarianism, and cultural degeneracy. What is the purpose of charging the Jews with instigating the Civil Rights movement when it is regarded as one of the great achievements of American history? What is the point of telling Howard Stern fans or Jerry Seinfeld fans that these individuals are Jews; something everyone knows? Why should white people care about the machinations of the Jews unless they already have an awareness of themselves as a race with its own distinct interests?
First whites must accept the fact that race is the foundation on which our social, cultural, and intellectual life is built. Any profound shift in the racial foundation of society will lead inevitably to the transformation of the immense sociocultural superstructure that we call Western civilisation. So long as whites accept the notion that culture may be divorced from its organic foundation, they have no reason to oppose anything that the Jews are allegedly plotting.
If antisemites truly cared about the white race, they would focus more on promoting race realism than inciting antisemitism. As it stand, they perform a great service to the liberal-minority coalition by lending credence to the false notion that pro-whites are a bunch of cranks and neo-Nazis.
3 hours ago
Hi. I like your concept, I hope you post more. I disagree with one point, though. If Jews were behind the Civil Rights movement -- and I don't know how true this is, not being a historian, but maybe it's somewhat true -- then the anti-semites are right about how Jewish influence has damaged America. The Civil Rights movement, while a nice idea at the time, has handed over a once great country to its enemies. So, saying the Civil Rights movement was something Jews should be proud of isn't going to endear you to any WNs, even me, and I'm Jewish and totally support what you're doing. (A minor point, and I must say it's brave of you to chat with Tanstaafl, I gave up on him a long time ago.)
On rereading your post, I realize you aren't necessarily praising the Civil Rights movement, but saying "it is regarded as one of the great achievements..." That's pretty subtle and actually a good point if one is thinking about how race realists can talk to more mainstream people.
Is that post aimed at White anti-semites in Israel?
Or are you, an Israeli, telling other nations how they should deal with Jews?
And what do you mean by "White"?
I agree, neo-nazism and anti-Semitism are holding our racial preservation movement back. They portray us negatively. It also makes Jews sensible and honest enough to join, look silly and self-destructive, to unaware Whites.
If this predicament were happening no more than a century ago, it would be the Irish, Poles, Slovaks, and even German immigrants in the position of the Jews today. Catholicism would still be stuck with Judaism, and even recent White immigrants would likely be excluded from the White Preservationist movemment, by the neo-nazis.
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