30 October, 2008

Unassimilated White Minorities

GuessedWorker wrote:

No, sorry, [Jewish behaviour] is not normal. That’s not how the Irish minority behaves. . . . That’s not how the English behave in expat communities.

In his The Dispossessed Majority, Wilmot Robertson documents the special role played by unassimilated white minorities in the subversion and cultural degeneration of America. The Irish, the Italians, French Canadians, and the Jews are subjected to criticism, some of it merited. In my opinion, if one group must be singled out for especial criticism, it would be due to the decisiveness of its influence in the equalitarian subversion of the West. But no group has been especially decisive.

Joe wrote:

Jews are genetically middle eastern. If we can have Jewish White Nationalists, why not Arab white nationalists or Persian white nationalists or Kurdish white nationalists?

I don’t subscribe to the idea that all Caucaoids are ‘white’. But it should still be understood that Europeans and Near Easterners cannot be distinguished from one another as belonging to altogether different races; only a different distribution of subraces are represented in Europe and the Near East. Jews are derived from a subtype in the Near East which of all non-European populations most closely approximates the European type; Syrians and the Lebanese may be given as other examples, also originating in the same area. Moreover, the Jews, even before settling in Europe, were subjected to selective influences favouring intelligence, distinguishing them from neighbouring peoples. Subsequently they migrated to Europe where they were subjected to further selective pressures favouring intelligence. They also practiced a certain amount of outbreeding, low in frequency but significant in its accumulated genetic effects. The result is a group of a people racially indistinguishible from other Europeans.


Anonymous said...

Joe wrote:If we can have Jewish White Nationalists, why not Arab white nationalists or Persian white nationalists or Kurdish white nationalists?"
The above nationatility all do have very strong ethnic national associations.The Melting pot is a myth . One of the reasons I wish to stop all immigration for ten years is because immigrants- legal or otherwise band together is an exclusive and illegal tribal identity.
crime pays inside the tribe. Russians Asians, Hindus, Iranians all exclude native Americans ( and I dont mean Indians, I mean non-immigrant legal Americans) forming businesses etc that exclude native Americans.
I could site countless examples: Olga the Russian in beaverton or. the Iranian in beaverton who was raping his tenants yet had a scholarship program for only Iranians.
If legal non immmigrant Americans pull this kind of crap we are called racist and xenophobes.

American Democrat said...

One misconception is that there is no significant difference between Semites and Arabs.

They are different groups, originally from different areas. Jews are actually better at blending in European populations than say Pakistani or Saudi Arabian would be. Likewise with the North Africans. And, adding thereto, the Middle East is very mixed. The Jews and most in Greater Syria, may be the purest Semites, in the Middle East. White Iranians (Persians are also White), but Iran is very mixed, and probably majority Arab, genotypically.

But whatever the case is, I just use my eyes. The Jews and other White Middle Easterners are White to me.